Goods Safety Advisers
offer in-house training courses for candidates preparing
for the examinations as Dangerous Goods
Advisers. Often an in-house course is more economical
than attending public courses if there are five or more
also offer one-day 'top-up' courses for anyone wishing
to add the rail and inland waterways qualification to
their DGSA certificate.
We offer a one-day overview on how to do the DGSA job, drawing heavily on German experience from where this legislation stems.
also act as independent consulting Dangerous Goods Advisers
within the Dangerous Goods Agency consortium. If you
need a consultant DGSA, this is the best way to do it
as the Agency guarantees to provide cover if your consultant
is unavailable e.g. due to holiday, accident or illness.
Our consortium members also share experiences and knowledge
with each other. Consortium members will also advise
on the sea and air modes even though these modes are
out of scope of the regulations in the UK.
Contact us right now for a
competitive quotation, either for DGSA training or consultancy.